We are all starting to get super busy as we send our kids off to school. Between work, homework, carpool, cleaning house, and many other responsibilities, dinner can sometimes be put off right up to the minute your husband walks in the door and says, "What's for dinner?" Then, everyone is scrambling and trying to figure out something to eat. This is how we end up with leftovers, fast food, and pizza on our tables. A few years ago, my husband actually went past the what's for dinner question and said, "Maybe you could plan out the meals."
Nothing sets off the bells, whistles, and alarms in a woman's head faster than her husband suggesting she try to do something different.
Am I right?
Maybe it's just me...
Anyway, after getting over myself and the thoughts of inadequacy I felt from his simple comment, I decided that maybe it would be a good idea. Maybe it could save me some time in the long run. Well, as is sometimes the case, my husband was onto something. I have been meal planning for a few years now, and it really is helpful. We don't always follow the plan to the letter, and there are still days when I'm too tired to cook, however, it works for the most part. So I will now share it with you.
Please don't get angry like I did. :)
this is an example of my meal plan from april |
First things first, you will want to write a list of your favorite meals. The ones that your family will eat no matter what. Or you can write down types of foods they love, such as Italian, Mexican, or Comfort Foods. This will help you as you look for recipes and start slotting meals to certain days.
Next, you will want a
calendar to keep all of your meals visible for the month. I found mine
here. Once I downloaded and printed it, I pulled out my trusty
laminator and put it to work. This way, I only had to print the calendar once and use it every month. You could also just slip it into a
page protector (as seen below). You just need a
dry erase marker or
wet erase marker. Make sure you get a fine point one. :)
Finally, we need to fill in the calendar with meals. This is sort of the hard part. Deciding what to eat weeks in advance. If you are like me, you might be thinking, how will I know I'll be in the mood for Hawaiian Chicken on the 28th? Don't worry, this plan is just for you, it is flexible, and you can change it at a moment's notice. That was one thing that I told me husband had to be understood if I were to do the meal planning thing. Nothing is concrete. This means that if he checks the calendar before work and sees one of his favorite meals, Porcupine Meatballs, he can't be upset when he walks in the door to see Pancakes and Eggs on the dinner table. If I'm too tired to make what's on the calendar, I just change it up. You can do that too.
Now let's share some recipes, ok?
Here are some places I have found yummy meals(recipes):
this is the book i use for my frozen meals, though you can use the recipes without freezing them |
just type 'dinner' in the search box |
And, of course my mom. :)
So what do you guys like to eat for dinner?
Please share in the comments your favorite recipe/meal ideas! Or, maybe there's a favorite cookbook you'd like to recommend.
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