Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Hair Cut

When Mr. Hardman and I got married, I remember telling him I WOULD NOT cut my hair after we had our first baby.  I always noticed that many new Moms would cut their hair so short after having a baby. Their beautiful hair that took years to grow out...gone!  Fast forward a few years and the birth of our first baby and I thought, "I should cut my hair." I think it must be human nature for women to have this thought.  It must be.  I voiced my idea to Mr. Hardman and he just laughed....and laughed.  Then he reminded me of what I had said.  Being a stubborn person I realized I couldn't cut my hair now...because of principle! So I have lived over a year with long hair and a baby. I know for certain that the number of days my hair has been a strange fuzzy/wet/curly/flat combination greatly outweighs the number of days I've been able to style it.

So the time has come.  I'm getting The Hair Cut.  The one I noticed in so many friends, neighbors, and co-workers. The one that comes after you begin to have children.

I have found a few haircuts that will {hopefully} make the loss of 5+ inches of fairly undamaged hair less traumatic.

The Pixie

I love this hair cut! I really wish I had the guts to go for it...maybe after a few more kids.

The Chin Length Bob

I think I had this exact hair cut in the 5th grade.  And then again in college. It's a classic!

The Long Bob

If my hair could look like this with no styling...it would be a done deal! I love this.

The A-Line

Longer in the front, shorter in the back. I remember this being BIG when I was in high school. It's not my favorite...but maybe worth a try.

The Layered Bob

I've always gotten layers..but I can't decide if it would be better to let them go this time.

The Blunt

The opposite of layers. The hair cut that looks like it was done with a machete. 

So what style should I do?!  I have a little bit of time to decide, but know that whichever style I end up going with, I know it will help save me time, give me a confidence boost, and will result in less hair loss {no more pulling Mom's long hair!}.  That must be why new Mom's cut their hair. ;) 


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