Friday, March 4, 2016

Natalie's Friday Favorites {03-04-16}

I started reading Stephanie Nielson's blog last year when I was pregnant.  I was always pretty sick in the morning and just wanted to sit and have my mind distracted.  I ended up reading her blog like a book {which she's also written a book and I really need to check out from the library!}.  I went back through her archives and saw her sweet, tragic, and beautiful story unfold.  Now I catch up on her blog once or twice a week {sometimes daily} to read her beautiful messages.  Her strength in mind, body, and spirit is inspiring.
Check out this video about how her life changed.

Jesus Baskets
I read this post at Mercy River's blog about having a Jesus Basket for Easter.  I loved the idea.  As Easter is quickly approaching, I have already started to look for things to put in {E}'s basket this year that will help her recognize her Savior and the role He plays in her life.  I'm excited because last year she slept through the whole Easter morning experience.  {And I will ALWAYS put some candy in my children's baskets.}

Fuller House

If you were a younger girl in the 90s, you loved Full House.  When I heard about this "remake/reunion" I rolled my eyes.  I thought, "There is no way that's going to be good."  Well, when Mr. Hardman was gone camping last week, I was looking for something to watch while not Netflix Cheating on him.  Fuller House came up on my recommended shows and I turned it on for background noise. Ummmm it's great.  It's super cheesy and there are a lot of forced moments to relive the old jokes {"Cut it out!" "Have mercy!" etc.}, but the wholesome lessons and moments are there, just like they used to be.  Plus, the kids in it are adorable! Especially Elias Harger...he is too cute!

Baby Lit Books

I have an embarrassing number of these books.  I love these books because of their illustrations, educational material, uniqueness, and sturdy pages.  Each book is inspired by a piece of classic literature or a famous location.  But instead of telling a simpler version of the story, the characters are used to teach about colors, shapes, emotions, and more.  {E}'s favorite right now is Emma by Little Miss Austen where we learn about the emotions of Emma, Mr. Elton, Harriet and others.  You can shop at their online store or wait until they are featured on Pick Your Plum {they are on there at least once every four months it seems}.

German Pancakes

This recipe is one I use at least once a month {whether it's for breakfast or dinner}. It might be the only recipe I've truly's that simple.  We've topped these with pretty much every type of fruit, and it's always delicious {although our favorite topping combination is strawberries, bananas, syrup, and whipped cream..yeah it's pretty much dessert!}. Try them out for dinner tonight or breakfast tomorrow!  No one will be least they never are at my house.
{E} devouring her German Pancakes

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