Thursday, May 12, 2016

End of the Year Teacher Gift {Chips and Salsa}

Ah, the end of the school year is upon us yet again.  Between testing, field trips, soccer, homework, and this vicious spring fever, we have been quite busy around here!  Now, to take something off your list of things to do...

We are sharing an end of the year teacher gift.  We love giving our teachers a little something to say, 'Thank you for taking care of our sweet children all year long!'  This year is no different and we are sharing a chips and salsa gift that your child's teacher is going to LOVE!

 These are the materials you will need to assemble your Chips and Salsa gift...
-bag of Mission tortilla chips (or similar)
-hot tamales box candy
-red basket (this one is from Dollar Tree)
-salsa container (I got mine from my local grocery store) or mason jar
-homemade salsa (or make it even easier and buy a jar of salsa)
-free printable (I print this on pretty scrapbook paper)
-ribbon and/or twine
-paper bags
-cellophane wrap and decorative shred (optional)
Put the chips, salsa, and hot tamales inside the basket.  You might need some filler to prop the items up a bit.  I usually use lunch sacks, torn and wrinkled up, like so...
As you put your items on top of the crinkled paper bags, fill in with decorative shred to make it more appealing to the eye.
Once everything is in the basket, wrap it all in cellophane (if desired).  Place basket in the middle of the cellophane and gather it all up above the chips.
 Using clear tape, secure the top ends together.
 Tuck in the sides of the cellophane like wrapping a present and use clear tape to secure the ends.
Tie the free printable on with ribbon or twine.
When adding the pretty bow, remember this trick.  Tie your bow upside down.  Meaning, you are above the bow and tying it, so that the ends lay flat.  Sometimes when you tie it looking straight at it, the ends flip up and are out of control.  Tying it upside down helps with that problem.

Here is the finished product.
You could also add some ink to the edges of your card to give it a antiqued finish.

 Now, that was easy, right??  You can mark this off your never ending list.  :)


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