Friday, May 13, 2016

Natalie's Friday Favorites {05-13-2016}

One of my brothers-in-law introduced these to us on a camping trip a few years ago.
In the photo above it may LOOK like a simple marshmallow roasting experience, but it is SO much more!
You actually spray the wooden roaster with cooking spray and then wrap biscuit dough around it before toasting it over the glowing fire.
Then the REAL fun starts! You can fill your toasted creation with Nutella, fruit, jam, a marshmallow, WHATEVER you want! They're so yummy, you literally "wolf 'em" down.

This Firepit Setup

We are finishing our backyard and I wish I could magically make this appear!

Mini Graham Cracker Crusts
These are so cute and so tasty! Some of our more creative creations include hot fudge, bananas, and vanilla pudding; strawberries, chocolate pudding, and cream; marshmallow fluff and chocolate pudding {the smores mini pie}. You can get these in the baking aisle!

Once I Was a Beehive

What a FUN movie. If you've been to a girls camp before {especially an LDS one} then this movie will make you laugh and cry with nostalgia at the very least! It's on Netflix now so grab your girls and watch it tonight!


There are some for Mommy and some for the kiddos! They are so cute and what's better than FREE? You could use any or all of these for a real camping trip or a camping trip in your backyard or family room!


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