Friday, February 19, 2016

Natalie's Friday Favorites {2-19-16}

At our house we love pretty much any recipe that has soy sauce.  So when I was looking for a new take on pork chops, I knew we had to try this!  If you like those flavors too, definitely give it a try!

Free Fonts

One of my favorite things to do is make printables/invitations.  I love to find the perfect font to fit each individual purpose.  One day I would love to turn my handwriting into its own font {not because 
my handwriting is great} but because then there would be a font that would always fit me!  Here are links to the 5 fonts I use ALL THE TIME.

Lavanderia {Type in $0}

I can't really remember why I first bought these, but I can't imagine not having them.  Unlike the review given at the link, I LOVE having colors that are close but not the same {especially when you're doing ombre work}.  I've used these for church, play, invitations, decorations, birthday cards, and more!

This Movie Trailer
Classic chick-flick!  I'd never heard of this book before, but I really want to read it before this movie comes out later this year.


I have pretty much always been a nail biter.  But I go through phases of really wanting to make my nails look good.  This tool is super helpful!  I remember seeing something like this in my Mom's bathroom drawer growing up and I never knew what it was.  Then one day in high school a friend was using it and everything related to my cuticles changed!  This does get dull eventually, but it works really well for the price!


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