Friday, August 8, 2014

Natalie's Friday Favorites {08-08-14}

I received these as a gift from a student in my first year of teaching.  I completely fell in love with the bright ink and casing.  They are a great pen that works really well and offers captivating color to any project {i.e. thank you card, grocery list, or scrapbooking}.
Mr. Hardman teases me often about the number of cardigans in my wardrobe...but I just can't help myself!  Especially when they offer such fun and unique patterns and color schemes.  Target's cardigans are my favorite because they fit well, are adorable, and last.  It's best to wait for them to go on sale, which they often do, so you get the best deal.
I don't consider myself a photographer at all and can't bring myself to purchase an "intense" camera {intense to me means there is a strap to hang it around your neck...haha!}.  But this camera takes wonderful photos and is very reliable.  I've loved using it for the past two years and look forward to taking hundreds of photos of our new baby with it soon!  BONUS!  Look at all the cute colors that are available!
I love this show.  Literally love.  Mr. Hardman and I quickly collected the entire series on DVD because who knows when Netflix will take it away!  PLUS the bonus features {especially the gag reels} are worth the money alone.  James Roday and Dule Hill deserve serious recognition for their ability to be hilarious and dramatic.  If you haven't given this show a shot yet...get started!
I read this book last summer, then last fall to my class, and I'm ready to visit it again.  If you or your child have any interest in animals, then you'll enjoy this book.  It's such a simple story with deep and meaningful themes of friendship, forgiveness, and potential.  I imagine this would be a great "night-time novel" to share with kids.  There are illustrations to capture visual interest, funny actions and thoughts keep it light, and emotional things provide teaching moments that may be hard to come by otherwise.  Check it out from the library or add it to your collection so you can easily go back to it again and will.
Happy Friday!



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